
Kosa kata bahasa inggris makna kemakmuran
Kosa kata bahasa inggris makna kemakmuran

kosa kata bahasa inggris makna kemakmuran

Poke fun: Subject to laughter or ridicule bahan olok-olok: The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher. Rolled the dice : risk endager ( membahayakan ) : Dostors warn that you are really rolling the dice with this drug You can take it to the bank: Dijamin kebenarannya: Believe me. I'll cut you a deal: Saya akan memberi Anda potongan harga. Good sport: Bisa menerirma kekalahan dengan baik tidak marah ketika diolok-olok: Bob is usually a good sport, but this time he didn't seem to apreciate your joke.ĭown the road: in the future/down the line: I was asked to gather statistical data that could be useful down the road.įull of hot air: pembual tukang ngecap: Oh, shut up Mary. Swear by: percaya sepenuhnya pada: He swears by his personal physician Quick and dirty: cara mudah untuk mengimplementasikan sesuatu Nothing short of spectacular: keadaan hampir sempurna yang bisa dicapai manusia. Jump on the bandwagon: ikut-ikutan (bergabung) biasanya karena melihat yang lain sudah berhasil. No strings attached: tidak ada persyaratan khusus The donation has no strings attached, so the charity can use the money for whatever purpose it chooses. Icing on the cake: tambahan yang bagus bagi sesuatu yang sudah bagus Lay terms bukan istilah medis bahasa yang mudah dimengerti oleh orang kebanyakan, tanpa perlu pengetahuan mendalam. Spot on: Bener banget " well-done ", " perfect ," atau " right on ": T he food may not always be so good, but the brew in the pubs are spot on every time. Revolve around: berkisar tentang: Our day revolve around our workįlat-out: sama sekali belaka: a flat-out deception: penipuan belaka Teething problem: masalah yang muncul pada awal sebuah kegiatan Pussy magnet: istilah slang orang Inggris yang berarti sesuatu yang menarik bagi wanita: I told you I was a pussy magnet Out of whack : not working well or not in good condition : Lifting boxes in and out of the truck threw his back out of whack. Pour cold water on: mengecilkan hati, mematahkan semangat: Cutting my year-end bonus poured cold water on my loyalty to the companyįield day: masa kejayaan: The media had a field day with the sensational story.īeer-Swilling: peminum bir berat He is a beer-swilling guy Run-of-the-mill: produk dasar, belum diberi pernak-pernik tambahan, tidak spesial, rata-rata: There's nothing special about these singers-they're just run of the mill In the dust: far behind ketinggalan: a marketing strategy that left our competitors in the dust.

Kosa kata bahasa inggris makna kemakmuran